Open files on microSD


In this section, we are going to read files in the microSD within LinkIt Smart 7688.


  • Insert a microSD into LinkIt Smart 7688.
  • ssh into your LinkIt smart 7688.
  • Generate a folder named ‘app'.
          > mkdir app
  • Generate app.js.
          > vim app.js
  • Press i and edit app.js:
var fs = require('fs');
// **** Remarks ****
// 1. The following SD-P1 stands for read first partitions in SD card.
// 2. On Linkit Smart, all files will be found in /Media folder no matter whether you pick usb host or SD card.
fs.readdir('/Media/SD-P1', function (err, data) {
    if (err) throw err;
  • Press ESC, then enter wq! to save and leave.
  • Enter node app.js, and the results can be seen!

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    No results matching ""