Use mraa kit to control GPIO


In this section, we are going to use mraa to control GPIO.

Note: The LED lights to be controlled in this example is the same as wifi one on the board.

Controlling LED (outputting GPIO messages)


  • ssh into Linkit Smart 7688.
  • Generate a project.

      > mkdir app
  • Use npm to initialize your project.

      > npm init
  • Generate an app.’s file.

      > vim app.js
  • Enter the content in app.js.

var m = require('mraa');
var ledState = true;
var myLed = new m.Gpio(44);


function periodicActivity() {
    myLed.write(ledState ? 1 : 0);
    ledState = !ledState;
    setTimeout(periodicActivity, 1000);
  • Then, we can see the results!


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